Picture Books for Children

The Family Book Todd Parr (Pre). An all-inclusive look at a diverse array of families.

Families! Families! Families! Suzanne Lang (Pre - 1). A host of silly animals in dozens of combinations demonstrate all kinds of nontraditional families!

The Great Big Book of Families Mary Hoffman (K - 2). Features illustrations and descriptions of different types of families and how their lives are similar and different.

A Family is A Family is A Family Sara O’Leary (K - 2). What makes your family special? Students in this picture book come from many different types of families but they all have one thing in common: the love they share.

Love Makes A Family Sophie Beer (Pre) This fun, inclusive board book celebrates the one thing that makes every family a family . . . and that's LOVE.

One Family George Shannon (Pre - 2). Celebrates families of different sizes, ages, races, and gender orientations in a story that introduces numbered groups from one to ten.

Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born Jamie Lee Curtis (Pre - 2). A young girl asks her parents to tell her again the cherished family story of her birth and adoption.

We Belong Together: A Book About Adoption and Families. Todd Parr (Pre - 1). A book about the many ways people choose to be a family.

A Mother for Choco Keiko Kasza (Pre - K). A lonely little bird named Choco goes in search of a mother.

Two Homes Claire Masurel (Pre - 1.) A young boy named Alex enjoys the homes of both of his parents who live apart but love Alex very much.

Living with Mom and Living with Dad Melanie Walsh (Pre - 2). A little girls describes living in the two homes of her separated parents.

Uncle Bobby’s Wedding. Sarah Brannen. (Pre - 2) Chloe is not happy that Uncle Bobby is getting married, but as she gets to know Jamie, she realizes that having another uncle will be fun.

And Tango Makes Three Justin Richardson (Pre - 3). At New York City's Central Park Zoo, two male penguins fall in love and start a family by taking turns sitting on an abandoned egg until it hatches.

What Makes A Baby? Cory Silverberg (Pre - 2). A brightly illustrated picture book about conception, gestation, and birth, which reflects the reality of our modern time by being inclusive of all kinds of kids, adults, and families, regardless of how many people were involved, their orientation, gender and other identity, or family composition.

Who's In Your Family?

Definitions of the myriad of families we come from. 


Our Family. “This short film is a collaboration between Our Family Coalition and Not In Our Town to encourage conversation about the many diverse family constellations, to give children the opportunity to see and appreciate their own families, and to be open and respectful to those who are different from them.”