As the parents, guardians, community and staff of the children at Laurel Hill it is our duty to preserve play and to honor the children. It is our responsibility when in the presence of children at LHNS, that we are fully present and mindful of the community’s philosophy. The Laurel Hill Community Expectations pull together our philosophy, policies and developmentally appropriate practices and state them as accessible freedoms for each child.
Parents, guardians, community and staff members understand that every child at Laurel Hill deserves a cohesive environment and it is their responsibility to understand the school’s philosophy and policies.
When at Laurel Hill Nursery School, members pledge to uphold these expectations for all the children:
(Space, Body and Safety Needs)
To a safe, clean and loving environment
To an environment free of shame, blame, judgement, teasing or the threat of violence
To be free of labeling or comparisons, such as “shy,” “loud,” “bossy,” “bratty,” or “bully”
To healthy snacks and lunch when hungry, and to drink when thirsty
To free use of outdoor space, as long as weather conditions are safe
To an environment free of screens, phones and licensed characters
To a place to cool down; to a quiet space to be alone
To an environment that reflects children of all backgrounds (race/ethnicity, gender, ability, culture and family structure), through books, dolls, puzzles, pictures, paints, music, and other play things
To choose my own clothing, or lack thereof, and have my choices respected without judgement or comment
(Identity and Belonging)
To choose my own playmates. To begin friendships and to experience the ebb and flow of relationships, without the interference of adults
To be empowered to stand up for myself and others in difficult situations. To be given a chance to work through an issue first, then have an adult step in when needed
To have my curiosity supported, and to be allowed to be comfortable with difference
To be given honest, age appropriate, answers to my questions
To have my group identity and sense of belonging supported
To have my self identity supported. To have my name respected and pronounced correctly
To declare my own gender identity regardless of the gender assignation of my birth
To take turns instead of sharing, and to be allowed to experience something as long as I want
To not have to say, “I’m sorry,” but to keep the focus on empathy and connection
To have adults who are supportive observers:
who welcome each child with warmth and enthusiasm;
who come to Laurel Hill each day with an open mind;
who observe and accept the methods of staff and teachers;
and who are willing participants to learn as well
To be allowed to express my feelings through crying, tantruming, and “freedom of mouth,” with loving and safety limits set
To freedom of language (swearing), so long as teasing is not involved
To be addressed and supported according to my individual needs, temperament and behavior.
(Learning through Free Play)
To choose my own play freely, that is child directed and child led
To create without outside comment and to not be drawn for
To initiate exploration with our 5 materials (sand, water, clay, blocks, paint), without worry of being too messy, too loud or using too much
To have clearly defined limits and expectations set
To take risks, emotionally and physically, and have those risks supported with kind attention